Love-Food Kitchens were officially launched on October 3rd, 2017. Social welfare groups and community development associations have opened up their kitchens for cooking salvaged ingredients, providing meals to local disadvantaged groups at least twice a week. In addition, Love-Food Kitchens collaborate with volunteer chefs from catering departments in local schools and design menus based on the needs of the targeted meal sharing community. By integrating local resources and enhancing the strength of community care, Love-Food Kitchens can serve a greater population. Currently, twenty-eight Love-Food Kitchens are operational, and eight schools are involved in relevant missions.
Love-Food Kitchens were officially launched on October 3rd, 2017. Social welfare groups and community development associations have opened up their kitchens for cooking salvaged ingredients, providing meals to local disadvantaged groups at least twice a week. In addition, Love-Food Kitchens collaborate with volunteer chefs from catering departments in local schools and design menus based on the needs of the targeted meal sharing community. By integrating local resources and enhancing the strength of community care, Love-Food Kitchens can serve a greater population. Currently, twenty-eight Love-Food Kitchens are operational, and eight schools are involved in relevant missions.
惜食分享廚房 | 義廚學校 |
1.大科社區發展協會(泰山區) 2.土城清水教會(土城區) 3.天元慈善功德會(板橋區) 4.更新社區發展協會(五股區) 5.昇高社區發展協會(深坑區) 6.喜樂關懷協會(深坑區) 7.玫瑰里辦公處(新店區) 8.成州社區發展協會(五股區) 9.樹林原住民族協進會(樹林區) 10.北基社區發展協會(萬里區) 11.新北市原住民溫馨照顧服務勞動合作社(烏來區) 12.興珍社區發展協會(五股區) 13.牡丹心社區發展協會(新莊區) 14.民權社區發展協會(永和區) 15.新生活社會福利發展促進會(三芝區) 16.貿商社區發展協會(五股區) 17.光田里辦公室(三重區) 18.新北市畫眉鳥晚香玉協會(樹林區) 19.雲溪社區發展協會(土城區) 20.新北市社區工作者協會(貢寮區) 21.新北市鶯歌區永昌社區發展協會(鶯歌區) 22.新北市原住民家庭關懷協會(汐止區) 23.板新社區發展協會(板橋區) 24.碧湖社區發展協會(中和區) 25.社團法人中華麥田關懷協會(新店區) 26.財團法人新北市台灣基督教長老教會幸福教會(新莊區) 27.莒東社區發展協會(中和區) 28.祖田里辦公處(土城區) |
1.黎明技術學院(大科社區發展協會) 2.宏國德霖科技大學(土城清水教會) 3.南亞技術學院(天元慈善功德會) 4.景文科技大學(玫瑰里辦公處、喜樂關懷協會) 5.樹人家商(樹林原住民族發展協進會、畫眉鳥晚香玉協會) 6.中華商業海事職業學校(北基社區發展協會) 7.光啟高中(牡丹心社區發展協會) 8.東海高中(光田里辦公室) 9.個人義廚 |
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