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  • 發佈日期:2017-08-25
  • 發佈單位:新北市政府農業局
  • 類  別:惜食新知
  • 內  容:
  • 什麼是格外品呢?
    💫新鮮健康卻因賣相、規格而被淘汰的好蔬果 ✨

    Owing to shape, size, color or other reasons, Imperfect Produce, including crooked carrots, huge sweet potatoes, and bananas with sugar spots, is hard to appear in markets, causing Food Waste. There is around 1.3 billion tons of food being wasted each year around the world. They might look different from what we expect, but they're as nutritious as the prettier ones. Let's start to purchase Imperfect Produce and dine in the restaurants with the Cherishing Food logo.

Owing to shape, size, color or other reasons, Imperfect Produce, including crooked carrots, huge sweet potatoes, and bananas with sugar spots, is hard to appear in markets, causing Food Waste. There is around 1.3 billion tons of food being wasted each year around the world. They might look different from what we expect, but they're as nutritious as the prettier ones. Let's start to purchase Imperfect Produce and dine in the restaurants with the Cherishing Food logo.
Owing to sha..
瀏覽人次:1253 人 更新日期:2020-03-03