[NEW]從小紮根 校園防撞條惜食、食安創意彩繪(點我看詳情)
吃不完 兜著走 午春活動(點我看詳情)
Statistics show that every year, 36,880 tons of food goes wasted. Some packaged foods are thrown away even when the package is still intact. In Taiwan, we create a huge amount of kitchen waste every day. In fact, if we put all our kitchen waste in a 90cm-tall bucket with a 155kg capacity, the height of all buckets combined will be the size of 60 Taipei 101. However, at the same time, every day, more than 800 million people, that is, one in every eight people, on Earth go to bed hungry. They cannot satisfy their basic need for food. In order to avoid food being wasted and to encourage our citizens to love and cherish food, the city government established the “New Taipei City Surplus Food Network”. This platform is established through the collaboration of government agencies and its purpose is to help educate the public the importance of environmental protection and food cherishing.
To further realize food cherishing, the Department of Health invites restaurants to join the campaign to urge the public not to order too much and to take home leftovers. Consumers are encouraged to “order what one can eat” and to “take home what is left”. Participated restaurants are demonstrated with doggy bags and menus symbolizing food cherishing.
完剩!完勝!剩食完食不浪費 台灣食品技師協會 副秘書長 莊曉勤
2018飲食趨勢大預測 剩食新風潮、蔬食風正熱 食力foodNEXT授權
從你的冰箱找出食物浪費的根源 食力foodNEXT授權
剩食別丟棄!看看國外正夯的社區冰箱拯救食物 食力foodNEXT授權
剩菜在室溫下常放恐滋生微生物 這樣處理剩菜才安心 食力foodNEXT授權
[NEW]從小紮根 校園防撞條惜食、食安創意彩繪(點我看詳情)
兒童節將屆, 為提倡惜食及食安教育向下紮根, 新北市衛生局聯手教育局在國小舉辦全國首創「惜食、食安,從根做起彩繪教育走廊活動」彩繪活動, 由學童構思彩繪屬於自己的惜食食安防撞條,藉由此活動讓校園處處是惜食食安故事, 不僅校園防撞條賦予新生命又可提升學童惜食及食品安全常識。 |
吃不完 兜著走 午春活動(點我看詳情)
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Statistics show that every year, 36,880 tons of food goes wasted. Some packaged foods are thrown away even when the package is still intact. In Taiwan, we create a huge amount of kitchen waste every day. In fact, if we put all our kitchen waste in a 90cm-tall bucket with a 155kg capacity, the height of all buckets combined will be the size of 60 Taipei 101. However, at the same time, every day, more than 800 million people, that is, one in every eight people, on Earth go to bed hungry. They cannot satisfy their basic need for food. In order to avoid food being wasted and to encourage our citizens to love and cherish food, the city government established the “New Taipei City Surplus Food Network”. This platform is established through the collaboration of government agencies and its purpose is to help educate the public the importance of environmental protection and food cherishing.
To further realize food cherishing, the Department of Health invites restaurants to join the campaign to urge the public not to order too much and to take home leftovers. Consumers are encouraged to “order what one can eat” and to “take home what is left”. Participated restaurants are demonstrated with doggy bags and menus symbolizing food cherishing.
完剩!完勝!剩食完食不浪費 台灣食品技師協會 副秘書長 莊曉勤
2018飲食趨勢大預測 剩食新風潮、蔬食風正熱 食力foodNEXT授權
從你的冰箱找出食物浪費的根源 食力foodNEXT授權
剩食別丟棄!看看國外正夯的社區冰箱拯救食物 食力foodNEXT授權
剩菜在室溫下常放恐滋生微生物 這樣處理剩菜才安心 食力foodNEXT授權
利用打包剩食 變身 美味聖食料理
炸蝦海苔壽司飯捲 | 胡麻堅果雞肉沙拉 | 台式漢堡包 (猴頭菇梅干控肉刈包) |
紅藜麻油雞飯 | 亞麻仁麵包蔬果沙拉 | 返璞歸真之海苔油飯捲 |
莎莎醬雞絲 | 素什錦蔬菜燴飯 | 惜福湯圓 |
健康太陽吐司套餐 | 低卡彩色水果盅 | 多酚美人飲 |
火龍果皮牛奶 | 鳳梨心肉捲 | 西瓜皮炒蛋 |
惜食小叮嚀1 - 打包請留意!認識食物中毒
直式1 | 直式2 | 橫式 |
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