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As of October 2016, Care & Share Food Pantries were set up in 14 public markets across New Taipei City. On a fixed day each week, Care & Share Food Area accept fresh groceries donated by vendors. The donated food is then sent to local social welfare organizations and village offices as meals for school children attending after-school counseling or for meals on wheels and meal-sharing services. In addition to utilizing food ingredients to their full potential and preventing waste, Care & Share Food Pantries also offer help to those in need.

As of late February 2023, Care & Share Food Area have been established in Sanxia Market, Fangliao Market in Zhonghe, Yongan Market in Yonghe, Linsen Market in Xizhi, Huanghun Market in Xizhi, Taishan Market, Xinzhuang Market, Minxiang Market in Zhonghe, Tucheng Market, Jinshan Market, and Jinlong Market in Xizhi, Xiazhuang Market in Bali, Heping Street Market in Zhonghe, Jianguo Road Market in Xindian. In the future, the New Taipei City Government will continue to promote the concept of cherishing and sharing food to various public markets, thereby enabling imperfect ingredients to exert their full potential.

瀏覽人次:17623 人 更新日期:2023-04-06