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格外好農產品Imperfect Produce-「惜食分享餐廳」
        The Surplus Food Network facilitates restaurants in marketing imperfect produce that is local, seasonal, organic/eco-friendly. These restaurants present imperfect produce in an appealing manner, showing consumers that imperfect produce is just as delicious and healthy as its aesthetically-appealing counterpart. Hence, public awareness for preventing food waste, cherishing eco resources, and environmental protection is elevated.
        Off-grade fruits and vegetables refer to produce that is eliminated for failing to meet market standards regarding specifications or appearance. Up to 40% of produce is eliminated, presenting the greatest challenge in tackling food waste. Similar to socializing, when selecting food, people tend to judge based on appearance. Fruits and vegetables that are blemish-free always sell out first. A portion of imperfect produce is left to rot in fields because farmers are aware that ugly produce does not sell well. Harvesting, picking, and storage all cost; therefore, farmers would rather give up on ugly produce. Imperfect produce is lucky enough to make it to the shelves is generally returned by the supermarkets in batches for imperfections. Imperfect produce that has managed to stay on the shelves does not sell and is ultimately disposed of by supermarkets. However, the nutritional value of fruits and vegetables does not change with appearance or size. Imperfect produce is just as capable of satisfying hunger as perfect produce. 
餐廳名稱 地址
粩泰泰 - 泰式料理 อาหารไทย  新北市板橋區四川路二段47巷4弄6號
天然茶莊 新北市汐止區汐碇路380巷30號
三才靈芝生態農場 新北市石碇區中民村十八重溪52-1號
狸和禾小穀倉 新北市貢寮區貢寮街48號
Buddy house壹耗店 新北市新店區三民路35巷2號
原粹蔬食作 新北市新店區北新路三段206巷1弄7號
蘿蔔蹲Farmer Tasty 新北市永和區安樂路136號
糧心聚落(永和店) 新北市永和區文化路44號
Hamango 哈芒狗 新北市土城區明德路一段64號
魚缸珈琲Coffish 新北市蘆洲區三民路78號
野餐日誌企業社 新北市淡水區英專路151號
大衛潔希市集餐廳 新北市淡水區坪頂路40號2樓
牧蜂農莊 新北市三芝區茂長里陳厝坑74號
大樹下健康餐飲 臺北市中正區三元街69號
呷米蔬食 臺北市中正區衡陽路9號
Café Chat Leopard 豹紋喵喵 臺北市大同區蘭州街14號
狐狸野餐 臺北市中山區龍江路281巷22號
Plants 臺北市大安區復興南路一段253巷10號
小小蔬房 臺北市萬華區漢口街二段125號
愛加倍餐廳 臺北市文山區萬美街一段19巷5-1號
食旅光廚房x Kinfolk畿福(網路店家) -
八斗邀友善餐廳 基隆市中正區八斗街35號
找到幸福咖啡店 基隆市中正區中正路559號
海那邊冰店 基隆市中正區中正路529號
公雞生蛋複合式蔬食 桃園市大園區領航北路四段360號
自然概念有機生活館 新竹縣新埔鎮文山路犁頭山段866號
松鼠與魚自然甜點 高雄市彌陀區文安里文安路二巷19號
馨窩良行Homelanie 高雄市鳥松區竹安街67號
瀏覽人次:18833 人 更新日期:2022-12-08